Career Services
Helping you discover and create vocational pathways for future employment.
Career Services provides the following services for current students and recent alumni/ae:
- resources for students including seminars, workshops, Career Day, denominational connections, and career counseling;
- opportunities for potential employers to network with students and find future employees;
- job postings from congregations, non-profit organizations, and other ministry agencies that are made available to students through email announcements and website postings.
Students and recent alumni/ae are encouraged to utilize the resources of Career Services throughout and following their studies at the School of Divinity, particularly for those whose vocational direction is unclear or those who are traveling a less-frequently traveled vocational path.
Career Services Resources
Job Listings
Handshake is an easy-to-navigate system that allows students to access job listings and employment support resources from the University. Learn more with the links below.

Career Counseling
If you are interested in discovering your vocational call, learning about career opportunities and possibilities, or developing your resume and interview skills, please contact for an appointment.