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Certificate in Ethical and Inclusive Leadership

The certificate equips leaders with skills and competencies for building workplaces where all employees feel valued and respected and are empowered to make meaningful contributions with integrity, including building the capacity of leaders and organizations to adapt to diverse communities, customers, markets, ideas and talent. The certificate will focus on implicit bias and cultural blindspots and provide leadership skills needed for fostering an inclusive culture in the workplace. A key feature of the certificate is to help build awareness around critical behaviors and inclusive practices in decision-making and organizational culture and a holistic understanding of leadership and organizational cultures.

Clergy in Community

This program will place promising early-career clergy (5-10 years in ministry) serving congregations in cities and towns throughout North Carolina in sustained conversation with the most notable and effective civic and business leaders in the region around key issues facing this area.

Faith and Health Equity

In collaboration with Wake Forest University’s School of Professional Studies, this graduate-level certificate is a meaningful, interdisciplinary experience. Delivered 100% online, this program teaches the knowledge and skills related to the social and ecological determinants of health for leaders, including the relationships between environment, people, and health and important conversations including racial, gender, and class inequalities in health systems, community trauma and resilience, religion and spirituality, and collaborative leadership.

Thriving in Ministry

This program invites clergy to discern and align their gifts, talents, energies, and professional identity in their current work in ministry and with their broader vocational trajectory by sharing wisdom among specific clergy cohorts and sharpening leadership skills through multiple forms of mentoring. The design of this program is to provide community, enhance ministry leadership skills, offer space for renewal and strengthen authentic identity.